studio tour
More Pottery Sales
My pottery is on sale this month, on the weekends, at my studio, Clayworks on Columbia, in Red Hook, Brooklyn, NY. The gallery is located at 195 Columbia Street (between Sackett and Degraw). You’ll also find a selection of my pottery on the Etsy website and at J Seffen’s Studio in Manhattan, 405 W 44th…
Christmas Sale
My pottery will be on sale December 4 through 24 at Jim Seffens Studio, 405 W 44th St. (between 9th & 10th Aves.)
Brooklyn Open Studios
June 7–8 my studio is participating in the Red Hook Carroll Gardens open studios tours. Come see my work at Clayworks on Columbia, including some new items like these new cups. The complete open studio tour map can be found on the BWAC web site.
Holiday Craft Shows
My pottery is in two craft shows this holiday season, one in Brooklyn and one in Manhattan.
Latest web sites
I’ve been coding up some web sites lately. Highlights include a new image for‘s home page, a work in progress for, a work in progress for, and coding and flash for, designed by my talented friend Mark MacKay.
Open Studio
My studio is participating in the BWAC open studio tour this weekend, June 9 & 10. I’ll be at Clayworks on Columbia from 3 to 6 on Saturday. My work will be in the gallery all weekend. Link to location and time.
Project Completed
I just finished a web site for ceramic artist Matt Nolen. Check out the new site at
Holiday Ceramics Sales
There are several opportunities to see and buy Nathan Gwirtz ceramics this month. Vases, bowls, mugs and plates are available (along with fine craft and art gifts by other artists) at J Seffens Studio holiday group show in New York City. I recommend checking out all the great work there. I will also have a…